
Vistage Groups

In my role as Vistage Master Chair, I lead six peer advisory groups for CEOs, senior leaders, and solopreneurs building businesses. I also offer individualized consulting in the areas of strategic planning, sales development strategies, and workforce and automation consulting.


For the leaders of businesses who want to strengthen their personal leadership skills, their businesses, and themselves as whole people.

“Joining John Baines' Vistage group was a turning point in my career. John is more than a mentor; he's a catalyst for profound professional transformation.”

Key Executive

For leaders who report to CEOs. They want to develop their personal leadership skills, whether they aspire to being a CEO one day or work with larger companies.

“John’s unique blend of shared values and strategic insight make him an invaluable asset to any team. His willingness to challenge conventional methods and advocate for innovative solutions helps drive strategic advancements.”

Solopreneur & Hands-on CEO Group

A half-day group for solopreneurs and those hands-on CEOs who are driving their business who want help working on the business, not just in it.

“I have a true partner in my corner that I can dedicate time to deep work. I leave every single session with a renewed sense of purpose and direction.”

Leader Group

A cohort model delivering a 2-year curriculum covering 12 leadership competencies. Also includes mentorship and peer-to-peer supported learning.

"John helped me realize the importance of taking care of myself to take care of others by helping me to set goals that support leading the business and improving myself to be more capable of leading others.”

Advisory Board Consulting

Some CEOs and companies request my advice and professional expertise at the board level. In those cases, I join their board of advisors, serving with 2-3 other outside advisors. We meet quarterly with the president, owner, and key senior leaders to review their goals, talk about their strategies, and solve specific challenges that arise.

Individual Coaching

On occasion, I work one-on-one with a CEO who would like coaching from someone with my specific background and experience. We might build out a better strategic plan, work on developing a leadership team, or solve complex issues that are significant and/or urgent.